High Traction Winter Boots
Looking at all the options for winter snow boots out there, you may think that the measure of a good winter boot is how well it matches current fashion trends! That may be fine for stomping through a once-a-season snowdrift, but for folks who navigate icy sidewalks and roadways all throughout winter, many top brand winter boots DO NOT even begin to provide enough traction to safely walk across ice and frozen ground.

Especially living in the icy northeast, communities across greater New England live out their day-to-day lives enduring below-freezing temperatures that are increasingly inhospitable to mediocre footwear. With an icy season ahead of us, we think it’s time to reconsider the true measure of a winter boot: Traction!
When you visit Danform Shoes, you'll find three levels of winter traction online and in our stores:
- Fixed studded traction from Icebug
- Retractable studded traction from Nexgrip and Navatex
- Winter Grip rubber
The options are comparable to shopping for snow tires. Fixed studs will give you the most powerful protection against ice but may not be as versatile. Winter Grip is versatile but will not provide the maximum traction on the slickest ice.
Awareness of injury prevention and a dose of common sense are driving an industry movement to manufacture stylish, high-grip studded snow boots. One of the greatest innovators in the traction movement is Icebug, a Swedish company that continues to shine with new star “studded” additions to the winter boot category.

Icebug is a perennial best seller in our traction category.
Icebug designs studded boots that have built-in carbide studs on the outsole of the boots, with "BUGrip" soles that grip like snow tires for your feet, providing the most sure-footed traction on icy surfaces. They are not recommended for indoor use, BUT what boots with built-in studs lack in versatility, they make up for in clutch performance when it counts. Better studded than sorry is Danform's winter mantra.
Every day, we hear from dog walkers, winter walkers and seniors who are so grateful they invested in the boots that keep them outside doing the things they love.
Icebug's winter studs are the simply the best footwear in slippery winter conditions.

Options like Icebug’s Metro2, Sala and Ivalo4 are great for sporty types, dog walkers, winter walkers, the elderly, or anyone recovering from an injury or previous slip.
Icebug’s studded winter boots are the safest “next step” for someone who regularly uses Ice Cleats but is frustrated with the hassle of carrying them around. We commonly see the following working professionals opting for winter boots with built-in traction to ensure maximum traction on icy paths, traction on snow-covered roads, and traction on wet rocks:
- Ski-area employees
- Playground monitors
- Dog walkers
- Municipal officers
- Outdoor trades workers
No matter what road there is to travel, each studded winter boots by Icebug offers a unique traction surface intended to prevent falls, reduce injury and increase FUN during the winter!

FIT TIP: A Vermont dog walker needs a dedicated pair of studded snow boots, essential equipment for those extra icy days - or as we like to call them: March.

For the practical-minded Northeasterner, Danform recommends both the Nexgrip and Navatex brands of retractable cleat winter boots. Their ingenious design allows the wearer to flip open a studded cleat at a moment’s notice in response to icy conditions. With great-looking designs from Nexgrip, wearers keep fashion at the forefront, with slip-prevention only a snap away.

While both brands are flipping the switch on winter boot traction, Navatex designs some models with retractable cleats at the heel and toe, allowing the wearer to customize when and how much traction they want.
Each brand designs with winter fashion in mind, not just practicality! You will easily find a model that pairs well with wardrobes all winter long, while preventing slips and keeping you safe.
The Nexgrip Jenna, Navatex Cecile and Nexgrip Ice Stone show the range of winter boots with retractable traction. There's something for everyone in Danform Shoes Winter Traction Collection!

How Does a Retractable Ice Cleat Work?
Retractable IceGrip boots come with a small "key" for flipping the traction device, but most folks find it easy to flip the cleat with bare hands—or even your car keys! We like the idea of being able to adjust the level of traction you need easily and on the go. If you get somewhere icy, like a parking lot, you can just flip the sole to the studded side and be on your way. Once you get to the store, or wherever you're going, take a second, reach down, and flip them back over.
If studs are not for you, brands like Merrell and Keen offer Winter Grip rubber technology that packs a substantial grip as well!
Our owner Helen fearlessly conquers any driveway with her go-to winter shoe - the Merrell Coldpack Ice+ Moc! Its Vibram Artic Grip sole has a deep cut and a sticky sole for Vermont's notoriously slushy sidewalks.
Like snow chains for your car, slip-on Ice Cleats exist for anyone who identifies more with the “just in case of ice” category of winter boot traction requirements.

It’s easy enough to keep these tucked away until needed, but worth noting that the past five years of snow boot base technology have seen a revolution in injury prevention from extremely icy conditions—and for many people, keeping a pair of dedicated traction boots is more and more normal these days.
These days, Northeasterners need to prepare for unpredictable weather patterns—what was true of childhood winters may no longer be the case. If the onset of recent winter temperatures is any indication, this year is going to be a slippery one! Many of Danform’s customers are already turning to their high-traction ice boots as their daily footwear option.
Spending time outdoors is more important than ever. If you have questions about availability or about which fit is best for you stop into one of Danform’s 3 Vermont Locations or send an email to get expert advice about fit, traction and comfort from our expert team. We're always happy to help!